Writing a Review
On holiday-malta.com guests and hosts can rate their experiences.
Guests can read property reviews from previous guests to understand what to expect and identify properties that suit their needs. Hosts can rate their experience with a guest to help other hosts feel comfortable trusting them as a potential guest.
Guest Reviews
Guest can rate, Property Facilities, Staff, Comfort, Location, Arrival Directions, the Booking Process as well as a free text review of their experience with the host and the property.
Host Reviews
Hosts can rate, Cleanliness, Communication, Check-in/out Experience, Observance of House Rules as well as a free text review of their
experience with the guest.
Tips for writing a review
- Be accurate, detailed and respectful,
- Focus & write about your experience only,
- Don’t share private personal information,
- Reviews with discriminatory, offensive, or insulting comments to others won’t be approved.
- Read our review content policy