Fishing Villages & the South of Malta



Marsascala is a fishing village (often written as M'Scala) with its picturesque bay that lies to the south-east of Malta. The Maltese call the area WIED IL-GHAJN (wid il ajn) and many Maltese families have summer homes there. In the holiday season it is buzzing with activity, much loved by locals and visitors alike. It sprawls at the feet of two hillsides descending from Zabbar and Zejtun. Its long U-shaped coastline and beach, its rocky promontories and its multicoloured fishing vessels give it lots of character. this is enhanced by a big variety of modern leisure facilities, restaurants and bars.  Marsascala Bay  used to extend deep into the valley to a cave with a natural spring of fresh water where old mariners took their water before sailing. This zone used to be a haven for Roman ships during their long period of occupation.


Marsaxlokk in Malta is a well known locally for its low cost fish restaurants, and Sunday market, the village is basically a pretty fishing village located in the south of Malta, which has retained an older and traditional life style. The area has some fantastic scenery which one would enjoy by taking time out for some lovely country walks. With St Peter's pool, Hofra zghira & Xrobb l-ghajn in the vicinity you will find some great places to swim end enjoy the summer sun and crystal clear blue waters. Getting around is relatively easy by bus depending on which route you are planning to take. Marsaxlook is also know historically for being an area that was easy for pirates to enter the island. This part of the island was not very fortificated during the time of the Knights of Malta. Spending a holiday in this area of Malta will allow you to experience the local scene, local cuisine and a very typical Maltese fishing village with all you need practically within walking distance from banks to restaurants, cafes, places to swim & market stalls. St Peter’s Pool  and Kalanka bay at Delimara, are excellent spots for diving and snorkelling.


Zurrieq is the largest village in the southern area of the Maltese islands, and probably one of the oldest hosting one of the original medieval Parish Churches. Most of the village survives from way back in the time before the arrival of the Knights and provides an insight into pre-baroque Malta. The village is near some spectacular coastline - the picturesque, tiny harbour of Wied iz-Zurrieq at the end of a rugged valley. From the harbour, you can take a short boat trip to the Blue Grotto, a series of natural, sea-level caves, and a local beauty spot. From here you have a beautiful direct view point of the Island of Filfla. Zurrieq and the surrounding area are rich in archaeological and historic sites, including several ancient chapels, a Roman tower, Punic tombs and a strange, free-standing room with an Egyptian cornice - possibly part of a temple of Melqart mentioned by Ptolemy, the 2nd century Greek geographer and astronomer. The chapels at Hal-Millieri, on the fringes of Zurrieq, were built between the 14th and 16th centuries; in one you can still see the original medieval frescoes. Like most other villages the locals take much pride in organizing the Village Festa which is usually held on July 16 and on 3rd September.


Mqabba is a small village located in the south of Malta with only around 3,200 residents. Although Mqabba is a very small village, it is unique because most of the limestone found in Malta comes from the village of Mqabba. The importance of Mqabba remains displayed in archaeological remains found in the vicinity of this town. Extinct animals have been found in quarries Of Kandja and Ta Xantin. The discovery of a cave situated close to the site known as Bur Megħeż is proof that Neolithic people lived there. The Catacombs of the Christians of Mentna Paleo wheree found in Square of Mqabba in 1860 by Dr. AA Caruana and Captain Strickland. In fact this is a complex of catacombs. The table of the ritual known as Agape, dominates the entire structure of the tombs. Archaeological details are studied by Mr. Becker, Zammit and Bellanti. Mqabba is also very popular for one of the best firework displays in Malta which takes place on the feast of St Maria on the 15th August. This firework and musical display is one that should not be missed if you happen to be in Malta during this period.